Lease Rate Monitor

Working with one leasing company has many advantages. You can outsource a large part of the operational management processes and you receive one report, one invoice and one point of contact. But how do you keep a grip on the agreed lease rates in the meantime? And how do you ensure that they are not increased unnecessarily? With the Lease Rate Monitor (LRM) developed by Fleet Support, we can check the lease rates of newly deployed lease cars and compare them with our database. Is there a deviation? Then we can make a substantiated objection to the lease company, which must adjust the rates accordingly. If this is stated in your contract, also with retroactive effect. LRM tests the risk components of your lease contracts such as residual value, repairs, maintenance and tires and guarantees the price level. This unique benchmark method also compares the prices of each risk component with the prevailing price levels in the Fleet Support database. Our database contains approximately 65,000 lease contracts managed by Fleet Support, with multiple lease calculations.


Wagenpark beheren wordt mobiliteit regisseren

Fleet Support is bedenker en marktleider van professioneel wagenparkbeheer voor tientallen grote en middelgrote organisaties. We hebben meer dan 60.000 leaseauto’s in ons beheer. Daardoor zien we als geen ander welke ontwikkelingen er spelen. We zijn er van overtuigd dat integraal mobiliteitsmanagement de toekomst is. Naast wagenparkbeheer richten we ons daarom ook op het beheer van vele nieuwe vormen van zakelijke mobiliteit zoals het OV, deel- en huurauto’s en e-bike lease.
Vaak zelfs in combinatie met het privégebruik hiervan, zonder dat uw tussenkomst als werkgever nodig is. Als uw regisseur in mobiliteit verbinden we aantrekkelijk werkgeverschap met duurzaamheid, efficiency en gemak. Onze experts steken hun strategische kennis, inzicht en slagkracht in finance, HR, inkoop en operationeel beheer. Zodat u uw mensen flexibele mobiliteit als goed geregelde arbeidsvoorwaarde kunt bieden, tegen de laagst mogelijk total cost of mobility (TCM).


Independent and objective


LRM is independent, objective and recognized by most major leasing companies. In addition, LRM is accredited by Deloitte Risk Services as an independent auditor. This enables you to objectively test and guarantee the price development of the risk components.

Adjustment and credit

Does the price level deviate from the agreed price level, as laid down in the baseline measurement? Then the lease company must lower the rate from the moment of use. The result is a credit for the already expired contract period and a rate reduction for the remaining months. LRM has already delivered many millions in savings to our clients in this way.
